Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Same song, second verse...

My in-laws live in another state. In fact they live several states away. And I rather enjoy that distance... it helps us stay on good terms. Unfortunately, there is one time of the year when I HATE this distance. And that time is in 23 days.

Every year, we go through the same discussion. BigGuy and I have been married for over 7 years now, and we've explained the game plan every.single.year.

Each year, we switch off families for Christmas. Last year, we went to my in-laws' home for Christmas. This year, we'll be here with my family. In my mind, it's the only way we can keep things "fair" for the grandparents, as far as letting them get equal amounts of Christmas morning wonder.

Every year, one of the mothers pouts because she doesn't get to be with the kids ON Christmas day. Now, a logical person (usually BigGuy) would recommend that we all spend Christmas together. But that will not work, because my mom doesn't like to share. She also runs with scissors, and abhors other lessons we normally learn in Kindergarten. So every year, I look like the jerk who refuses to mix families. And every year I have to talk a pouting grandmother off a proverbial ledge because it's not "her year."

You wouldn't think the people I have to tell to grow up would be the adults.

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