Monday, November 30, 2009

What do you bring to Thanksgiving

Mashed potatoes? The casserole with the fried onions on top? Pie? Me- Tylenol and Advil. Yes- both. One is an analgesic and one is an anti-inflammatory (I am still working on figuring a way to use it on some people's opinions though). However- both are necessary. Or wine- or all of the above depending on the number of hours that we will be attending.

There are the obligatory greetings and hugs- and I am a tactile person- I like to be touched but not by my ILs. Then the kids go play with their cousins and they are at a great age; the older cousins have a slightly god-like status in the kids mind. Inevitably it gets loud (duh). Then the complaints start: "we have no pictures", "we never see you", or the comments "she is all B" etc. I bite my tongue- sometimes until it bleeds (hence pain killers). Then the cousins take the kids for a walk. Then more comments- "peace at last"- said by the same person who complained about not seeing us (At this I pour a glass of wine and smile).

Oh well.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

More gift drama

Gratitude is a hard 'skill' to teach. Harder than empathy I think. My lovely ILs do not make it any easier.

When they see the kids the like to give the kids something- which is really sweet- but they get the kids things that are inappropriate.

Just last weekend they got my five year old a board book- you know like for toddlers. She is five- she can read- we have read "Little House on the Prairie" "The Secret Garden" and the like. A board book is a little well baby-ish. Which is exactly what my five year old said. She seemed a little insulted that my in laws thought that she would like this book.

In all honestly my mother-in-law is one of the least skilled gifters- from giving things that I am deathly allergic to- to just bad taste- we have had some interesting gifts. A ten pound brass maltese cross comes to mind. I am still looking for a nice way to just tell them to please skip the gift giving- save their money or give it to charity.

In this situation I thanked the in-laws and tried to subtly explain that it is polite to thank the gift giver; later after the in-laws left I tried to nicely say that sometimes people do give us things that they think we would like but we really don't- that it is still nice to thank them and appreciate the fact that they thought of you.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Age-Appropriate Gifting

Each year I'm amazed at the gifts my in-law give my kids. Without fail they're not only inappropriate for their age, but sometimes unsafe. For Bean's second Christmas (she was just over a year), my in-laws gave her a porcelain flowery tool set. Not a toy one... one that an adult woman (albeit no self-respecting woman) would own. Because nothing says "perfect for a child that's almost walking" like hard metal tools with breakable handles.

At her third Christmas, she received a very fragile tea set. You know, at the age where they like to bang things repeatedly on hard surfaces.

So I'm a little nervous to see what will be under the tree this year. Perhaps a box of dynamite? Baby's first BB gun?


Welcome to our blog! While I've been blessed with a fairly sane mother-in-law, she occasionally provides entertaining stories. However, I know LOTS of people who have certifiable in-laws. And I look forward to seeing some of their crazier stories here!

Feel free to keep your posts anonymous... which I intend to do. No, my daughters are not really named Bean and Squish. I would need to be a celebrity to have that "unique" of taste.

I hope we provide some laughter, and show you that you're not alone!

~ Imperfect Mama
seeking contributions!

In light of the holiday drama that has already started with my in-laws---
One of my best friends and I have decided to start a new blog: Strange (crazy) In-Law Stories
Of course in my tenure in the H family my in-laws have provided me with a lot of laughable and frustrating moments- but I'd like to have lots of contributions from people.

email me/post here ( stories of crazy in law antics. You can remain anonymous if your like or you can give me an address and I'll link back to you.

Share the in law holiday joy (and frustration/irritation) with everyone!
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I'll start

Of course husband is not going to be at Christmas this year; given the strain of the relationship between my in-laws and I- I do not feel comfortable going to their celebration with out him (I know I'll have to get over it but give me some time here- like more than a year)

Mother-in-law (MIL) graciously offered to pick up the kids on Christmas Eve and take them to their house.... (umm yeah ok- sure like I'll be ok with that).
It is CHRISTMAS EVE! I want to be with my kids- ideally in a place that I am not insanely uncomfortable. So no-thanks I'll pass. Which will start WWIII in my family- ILs will be more than welcome to come over and visit- but they are not taking my kids anywhere- sorry.