Thursday, January 21, 2010

Paging DCFS...

I have a physical condition that leaves me in extreme pain most days, and fairly incapacitated every morning. I still manage to go about my day, but some mornings it takes me longer than usual to be functional. Yesterday, unfortunately, was one of those mornings.

Both of my daughters have a flair for technology, but Bean was the one to cause trouble this particular day. She snagged my cell phone and called my Mother-In-Law (MIL) before I was awake. MIL took this to mean that I let my children roam the house for hours unobserved. Undoubtedly while leaving sharp knives and lethal medications within reach. Never mind that my children are well-fed, smart, clean and well-behaved. Nor that our home is child-proofed, and we take the necessary precautions to protect Bean in the event she DOES wake up before us. All of that was brushed aside in her judgment of the situation.

In a panic, she demanded that we leave the kids in a daycare between when BigGuy goes to work, and when I am able to move freely. BigGuy leaves at 4:30 am... before any daycares around us open. So we've already reached our first problem. Due to my condition, I'm also unable to work full-time, so finances are another issue. However, in MIL's opinion, that was not a determining factor, and she was not offering to help foot the bill. Apparently I'm supposed to go work a corner to bring in some extra money.

I so badly want to remind her of the two-week vacation she and FIL took when BigGuy and his sister were in high school. She left them home alone, and BigGuy threw a raging kegger. "Hello Kettle? This is Pot. You're black."

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