Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I am sorry you want WHAT???

My in laws are not bad people in the sense of well evil- they are however a bit clueless.

Growing up I called only teachers by Mr. or Mrs. my parents friends were always first names- my friends parents were first names. The entire Mrs./Mr. concept is foreign and very strange to me.

My parents called their in-laws by their first names- as Mr. or Mrs. So and so. Was a bit ridiculous and well- they are not their parents. So it was baffling to me that my in-laws- after having a contentious relationship wanted me to call them either Mr. and Mrs. or Mom and Dad.

You would have had to pick my confused jaw off of the ground. I was more confused than I could explain- Mr. and Mrs. Really? I married your son which in the legal sense makes us family. I am the mother of your grandchildren- and you want formality?

Because my parents and I have been through so much together- I feel that it would be disingenuous to call anyone but them by 'mom' and 'dad'.

They are the 'show respect to your elders' set and I am decidedly of the set that 'respect is earned not given' (basic respect is inherent to all people regardless of age-but above and beyond- is earned). I do not feel compelled to respect someone just because they have lived longer than I have- congratulations- your birthday cake requires a fire department standby- I respect you? Makes no sense. Also- the use of titles how does that indicate respect? Respect- I think is much better shown in other ways.

But still Mr. and Mrs. or Mom and Dad... talk about a dichotomy.

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