Sunday, July 25, 2010

Can't Handle It.

It is no secret that that my ILs and I do not always get along.

Lately it was getting better. I was getting along well making conversation. Yes, I have been pretty sick.

Yesterday though they took several giant steps back in my appreciation for them. They may as well have been running backwards.

Every year I have a joint party for my two oldest's birthdays for the family. Weekends in the summer are a hot commodity for everyone and to take two weekend days up so close together did not seem fair.


We got about six inches of rain the night before the party. The yard was flooded. We got some water in the basement- not a lot but enough to be a pain. A lot of people had it a lot worse and streets and expressways were closed all over the area. Understandably- a lot of people had to cancel coming to the party. They called and we carried on making plans to get together in the coming week.

My mom is super lady. She was coming back from her trip to Iowa to see her family and she still made it. She had to drive through the rain and the flooding to get here. My sister flooded and she made it. My brother tried to leave early but got stuck- he called and apologized- and made plans to come out next weekend.
My friends were bailing out their basement and called- and we'll get together with them soon.

ILs?? nope. They did not get water- but could not deal with the traffic to get here. So they did not come. Who does that? Who blows of their grandchildren's party because they couldn't deal with traffic? My ILs.

The same people who could not find Costco to pick up the cake (when they asked what they could bring we asked them to swing by Costco they couldn't find it... WTF?)

So it was kind of a good thing that they did not make it. I was able to take my pain pills without worrying about losing my 'filter' of what to say or not say.

MIL also called brother in law and told him not to come- she indicated that she would tell us he was not going to come- she never told us.

so yah. They are FAB

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